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Lowell Milken Moderates Education Reform Panel at 2014 Milken Institute Global Conference

On April 28th, 2014, Lowell Milken moderated the Global Conference panel, "Big City Education: We Know What Works, So Why Don't We Do It?" The panel discussion addressed current education reform challenges, examined successful collaborations between local, state and federal partnerships,  and defined how change can be implemented in K-12 education through strong leadership.

From left to right: Rudolph Crew , President, Medgar Evers College, The City University of New York; Former Chancellor, New York City Public Schools; Former Superintendent, Miami-Dade County Public Schools; Anthony Miller , Co-Founder and Partner, The Vistria Group; Former Deputy Secretary and Chief Operating Officer, U.S. Department of Education; Ed Rendell , Former Governor of Pennsylvania; Special Counsel, Ballard Spahr, LLP; Antonio Villaraigosa , Former Los Angeles Mayor; Professor of Practice of Policy, USC Price School of Public Policy; Former Speaker of the California Assembly; Paul Vallas , Candidate, Lieutenant Governor, State of Illinois; Former Superintendent, Recovery School District of New Orleans and Louisiana; Former CEO, Chicago Public Schools and School District of Philadelphia; Lowell Milken, Co-Founder, Knowledge Universe Education; Founder, National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET). Photo courtesy of the Milken Family Foundation.

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“Only when society demonstrates respect for educators will the brightest and most capable students choose it as their profession.” - Lowell Milken